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*ONLY $60 ... includes 1 year of unlimited access
Financial Peace University
Learn the step-by-step plan to pay off debt fast, save for your future, build wealth and give generously.
On-Demand Courses
Learn the basics or go deeper with 20+ hours of money content.
Watch anytime. Anywhere.
Plan where all your money goes and keep track of every transaction with the ad-free,
premium version of our budgeting app.
Exclusive Livestream Events
Get online access to our world-class live events.
Learn from the experts on money, career, family, leadership and more.
Savings and Debt Payoff Tracker
Visualize, track and celebrate progress toward your savings and debt payoff goals, big and small
Free Audiobooks
Listen to Rachel Cruze's latest book, Know Yourself, Know Your Money,
and get to the root of why you spend money the way you do (and what to do about it!).
More audiobooks to come soon!
Learn the step-by-step plan to pay off debt fast, save for your future, build wealth and give generously.
On-Demand Courses
Learn the basics or go deeper with 20+ hours of money content.
Watch anytime. Anywhere.
Plan where all your money goes and keep track of every transaction with the ad-free,
premium version of our budgeting app.
Exclusive Livestream Events
Get online access to our world-class live events.
Learn from the experts on money, career, family, leadership and more.
Savings and Debt Payoff Tracker
Visualize, track and celebrate progress toward your savings and debt payoff goals, big and small
Free Audiobooks
Listen to Rachel Cruze's latest book, Know Yourself, Know Your Money,
and get to the root of why you spend money the way you do (and what to do about it!).
More audiobooks to come soon!